Aurora forecast – Northern lights forecast

What are the chances of seeing the Northern Lights right now?

Med en KP-indeks på 1 kan nordlyset være synlig i svært høye breddegrader, som deler av Nord-Norge, Sverige, Finland og ekstremt nordlige Canada over 68°N breddegrad. IMF (Bz) er nordvendt, noe som kan redusere sjansene for auroral aktivitet.

Real-time information

The data displayed here is collected from satellites, and depending on the speed of the solar wind, it can take between 15 minutes and an hour for the measured effects to reach Earth. Stay updated with the latest changes in space weather to get the most accurate information about aurora conditions. Remember to refresh the page regularly to ensure you are viewing the most recent data. Based on data from NOAA SWPC.

Extreme activity, auroras may be visible at latitudes north of 64.5°N.
No geomagnetic storm, no impact on technology or communication.
IMF (Bz) 2.939 nT
The magnetic field points north, lowering the chances of auroras.
IMF (Bt) 7.143 nT
Moderate magnetic field, may increase aurora activity.
SOLAR WIND 528.8 km/s
Elevated solar wind speed, higher chance of strong auroras.
DENSITY 16.61 p/cm³
High solar wind density, higher likelihood of strong auroras.

Last updated: 14. January 2025 23:05

Would you like to learn more about the northern lights?

Then we recommend the book Northern Lights by physicist and science communicator Veronica Danielsen. This book offers an easy-to-read, informative, and entertaining insight into the science and history of the northern lights and is a must-read for anyone wanting to better understand this spectacular natural phenomenon.

The members of our Facebook group had the pleasure of contributing to the book by answering questions from the author. As a token of appreciation, we were able to give away two copies of the book in random draws among interested members. Of course, this gesture has not influenced our recommendation; it is based solely on the book’s merits.

Perhaps you or someone you know would enjoy reading it? The book is available in both Norwegian and English editions. For international orders, we recommend using this bookseller.

Fotografi av boken Nordlyset skrevet av Veronica Danielsen
Photo: Veronica Danielsen